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Stage Six "Abundant Life"

This is day six of the blog series, “Ten Days Through The Stages of Life.” The series is intended to bring us through the Ten Stages of Life as defined by God’s word through Complete Peace. God has given His people the map, the Bible, to their journeys and we are here to facilitate its reception. God has been gracious enough to give His people His word written in their language to read, meditate on, and receive in His truth that transforms their lives into what He has designed them to be from the foundation of the world. The person of God lives on the Stage of Life they are experiencing until they finish all Ten Truths of the Stage; then, they live in that Stage while they are on the next Stage until they complete its Ten Truths. Complete Peace is, “Drawing a court case for God and painting a portrait for His people.”

The Sixth Stage of Life, the true life in God, is the Stage of Abundant Life and is found in the “Gifts of the Spirit” in 1 Corinthians. The Gifts of The Spirit is a single gift that God has given to His people which manifests itself through nine aspects. It is what gives evidence of and to God’s people in the miraculous realm of “signs and wonders.” It is not necessary for God’s people to have the gifts flow through their lives to go to heaven, but it does change the level of intimacy with Him when they do.

The Gifts of the Spirit is simply defined as God’s supernatural abilities flowing through His people.

The first Truth in the Stage of Abundant Life is, "The Manifestation of the Spirit." The Spirit manifesting Itself in and through God’s people removes the desire for distractions (false gods) of the world even more than before in His people’s lives. There is no fleshly experience that comes close to the euphoria connected to having God’s wonderful gifts flowing through His people, and this life continues giving instead of leading to death.

The second Truth in the Stage of Abundant Life is, "The Word of Wisdom." The word of wisdom tells God’s people what is happening around them spiritually, it flows through them into other’s lives, and it helps people know how to navigate situations properly because they see what the true reality is. Jesus told us He would send the Spirit that would lead and guide into all truth, and here it is, the word of wisdom.

The third Truth in the Stage of Abundant Life is, "The Word of Knowledge." The ability to receive God’s power is in knowledge (an intimate relationship) with Him. Jesus told His people He would send the Spirit that would remind them what had been said, and tell them of things to come, and here it is, "the word of knowledge." Knowing the Creator in this personal way is the most powerful thing His people have received to this point in their journeys.

The fourth Truth in the Stage of Abundant Life is, "Faith." TThe Spirit’s faith is the same faith that Jesus had while He walked physically on the Earth, and having this kind of faith gives His people the ability to actively rest as they have God’s works flow through their lives in the unimaginable magnitude that He gives it. Since having faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, having God’s faith dwell in His people moves the world while His people are in His state of rest.

The fifth Truth in the Stage of Abundant Life is, "Gifts of Healing."Every one that has come to Earth has sinned and therefore everyone deserve death by their actions, but instead of death, God extends His mercy and gives the gift of healing. Healing is often thought of in the physical realm; which is part of its reality, but it is the spiritual realm that is eternal. Receiving the gift of healing allows it to flow through His people into others; thereby bringing Him honor from more of them.

The sixth Truth in the Stage of Abundant Life is, "Working of Miracles." The biggest miracle that God’s people should be aware of is their names are written in heaven. Knowing their names are written in heaven allows God’s people to live beyond a worldly human focus and be aware of the miracles flowing through their lives; thereby having the life to give to others.

The seventh Truth in the Stage of Abundant Life is, "Prophecy." The gift of prophecy gives God’s people the ability for His hidden truths and the knowledge of the future to flow through them. The basis of the entire Bible, the testimony of Jesus Christ, is the spirit of prophecy. This is for the building up of "The Church" and for people to enter an eternal relational awareness with God.

The eighth Truth in the Stage of Abundant Life is, "Discerning of Spirits." God has blessed His people with people to guide them into the truth, and there are others whose purpose is focused on distracting and leading people away from Jesus. God protects and fills His children’s lives through discerning of these spirits and gives them proper relationships to build their faith in the abundant life.

The ninth Truth in the Stage of Abundant Life is, "Diverse kinds of Tongues." The gift of tongues is the ability to speak in other languages. These languages are used to communicate with others on earth in which a language barrier exists, speak the words from God in a group when there is an interpreter present to share the meaning with the group, and to speak one-to-one with God so the enemy cannot understand what is being said. God’s language separates His people from the worldly, and into the abundant life.

The tenth Truth in the Stage of Abundant Life is, "One and self-same Spirit." The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in God’s people. This unity with Him that had not existed before His people went on their journeys transforms their lives even more into the more abundant life that Jesus came to give.

This Stage of Life is completed with God's people receiving His abundant life. Living a life of abundance that does not depend on external situations opens God's people into a deeper understanding, and they are one Stage of Life closer to receiving Complete Peace in Earth.


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Craig Lightfoot
Complete Peace, Inc.

This ministry exists with the "soul focus" of "Bringing Complete Peace to God's People."

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