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"The Fruit of The Spirit"

Galatians 5:22-23


The Ten Truths in "Witness"

(The statements are linked to videos.)



1 Fruit of the Spirit
The fruit of the Spirit manifesting itself through God’s people bears witness to Him just like the fruit of a tree bears witness to itself. An apple tree bears apples, and God’s people bear God’s fruit. The one true God produces His fruit through His people.

2 Love
Love is the first and most important of all the aspects of the fruit of the Spirit. It is what causes His children to forsake idols, be filled by God, and fulfills all the Law. Love never fails.

3 Joy
God’s joy filled children have His power to change the world; because they are living beyond the temporary distractions of the world in His joy filled state. God’s people’s joy is in Him and exudes through them.

4 Peace
Peace is found in God’s righteousness; therefore, the fruit of peace is His righteousness coming through His people. The
peace received and flowing through His people is God’s people’s eternal rest.

5 Longsuffering
Longsuffering is possible because of the rest received in God. The realization of being an eternal being allows God’s people to understand situations differently than the human mind can. There is no more need to respond quickly to a situation which requires patience. God’s longsuffering mercy flows through His people to honor Him.

6 Gentleness
Gentleness is produced by longsuffering and is defined as the state of being free from unrighteous harshness. Unrighteous harshness is being angry without a cause. Jesus said, “That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment:” The fruit of gentleness removes His people from this judgment.  

7 Goodness
The definition of goodness is the quality of being good. Jesus said, “Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.” Jesus did not say He was not good; He told the man that he had just called Him God. God’s gentleness produces goodness and gathers others through His people; because they know God is in them and is being shown through them.

8 Faith
God’s faith in His people produces not only works that Jesus did, but even greater works because He went to our Father.  Faith shows God has it all in His control and allows His people to live the life He sent them to live without worrying about the outcome.  

9 Meekness
Meekness is God’s power flowing through His
humbled people. Meekness gives His people the abundant life separated from the world and outside of their own ability; thereby showing the world who He is.

10 Temperance
Temperance is God’s restraint of His people. This restraint expounds their lives into the state of being joined with Him more intimately. This newly found relational revelation of the intimacy sets them freer in God’s restraint than anyone without it. Temperance is the aspect of the fruit that completes the fruit of the Spirit.


The Fruit of the Spirit begins in love, the greatest of all things, and is completed in temperance, God keeping His people in His path.  This loving guidance brings His people through their journeys and displays Him for the world to see. Being God's witnesses opens God's people into a deeper understanding, and they are one Stage of Life closer to receiving Complete Peace in Earth.





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