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"The Ten Commandments"

Exodus 20:3-17


The Ten Truths in "Power"

(The statements are linked to videos.)



1 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

People often turn to self-works and the trap of earning God’s approval after they have received salvation through the freeing gift of Jesus Christ; thereby, having the "god of self" in the place of God the Father. This Stage of Life reveals it does not have to be this way.


2 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,...

Modern day graven images are not necessarily made of wood or metal, but can very well be possessions, trophies, and other images of accomplishments that people spend tremendous amounts of energy and commitment to achieve while they are completely distracted from focusing on God and His purpose for their lives. But, when God's people keep Him first and foremost in their focus and the gifts that He has given them in their proper place, they are being what God has created them to be and do which is being reunited with Him.  


3 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain;...

Taking the Lord’s name in vain is taking His name without receiving His power. The Lord God is the leader of His people and the One who has the power to achieve incredible things that are beyond human imagination. When His people take His name and are “poor pitiful me” people at the same time, they are taking His name in vain. God’s people should always be humbly kind and compassionate people who are helping and being helped, but never weak beggars. The power of God is in His people, and they should take their place with and in Him properly.        


4 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

The people that received the Letter of the Law thought it was about man receiving rest to honor God one day of the week, and it clearly was to a certain point of view, but it is much more than that. The true Spiritual Sabbath is the realization that God has finished the works from the foundation of the World. God is resting in His completion and so should His people. This rest is not a sedentary state of being. It is the most productive state of life that exists just like Jesus came and showed His people.     


5 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land...

Honoring one’s Father God and the Mother of all life gives the automatic gift of a long eternal life on the land which God has for His people. It honors God to have His power flowing through His people.     


6 Thou shalt not kill.

Killing is having hatred flow through a person and judgment must occur before hatred can exist. God tells His people not to judge those who are outside of the faith and to lovingly correct those who have strayed from the faith. Power is in the knowledge and understanding to see things like God does, and be patiently aware of what the Truth is in every situation; thereby, navigating life without even being angry without a cause.  


7 Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Committing adultery is always Spiritual. Adultery can be against a spouse, or it can be against God. Committing adultery against God is when His people go against His direction and go after their own lusts instead of His love. This challenge, just like every other challenge that exists, is not uncommon to any man, but God corrects His people who go astray as they go through their journeys.    


8 Thou shalt not steal.

Stealing is taking what God has given to another. This might be done in thought or in action, and either way is the same in God’s eyes. When God reveals to His people, they have received everything they need to accomplish His purpose for their lives through His power, it changes them from takers and thieves to givers and lovers.


9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Having God’s power flow through His people equips them with the ability to see things as they truly are and live according to His principles in love that does no harm to their neighbors. This Truth being a part of who His people are is not a foreign thing being applied to their lives; it is what separates His people, and they no longer harm others with their words or actions.


10 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house,...

Coveting someone's possessions is to not appreciate one’s own God given possessions in the way God deserves to be appreciated for what He has granted to everyone who has anything including the air they breathe. God's power filled people only have the desire for what He has given them.


The third Stage of Life is completed with God’s people receiving His power flowing through them, as they are in Him, to accomplish His purpose for them.




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