We are Here to Help You Participate
Please feel free to share with us any talents or prayer requests you have.
Connect with others and discuss anything on your mind through Our Forum.
We Greatly Appreciate Any Financial Support You Give to Complete Peace by donating at the bottom of this page.

Interact On Our Forum
Complete Peace wants people to connect with other believers.
Please share with us any topics you want to learn more about or discuss in our forum.
Also feel free to engage in any existing topics.

Share Your Prayer Requests Below
We believe prayer is one of the most important aspects of a Christian’s life. We want you to know that we take your prayer needs very seriously.
We will stand and believe with you in everything that God lays on your heart. Our God is an awesome God. He is a miracle working God. With God ALL things are possible!
Your prayer request will be kept completely confidential.
We Love to Rejoice with You in Your Victories!
You can follow the link below to share a testimony or view other's testimonies.
Become A Prayer Warrior
We are accepting information from people desiring to become faithful prayer warriors through our ministry.
If you are interested in partnering as one of our prayer warriors, please fill out the form below and we will lead you through the process.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support of Complete Peace, Inc.
You are personally invited today to become a monthly partner with this ministry. Your monthly financial partnership makes it possible to share God’s message of complete peace around the world through our daily blog and videos, live conferences, online resources, mission outreaches, and more. God makes it possible through you.
Our desire is to continue sharing the Prince of Peace with the world in new ways and in new places. We are so excited about all the wonderful things that God has placed in our hearts to be able to watch Him accomplish through us in His name.
How do I become a partner?
You can become a monthly partner today by selecting your donation amount and clicking “monthly” under the “Partner with Us” header on this page. Then select the day of the month you would like your donation to be received.
Thank you for partnering with us to share the Peace of The Messiah.
The Lord has done great things in us and through us! With your help we will continue telling the world, “God loves you, He’s paid the price, and Complete Peace is YOUR Inheritance.”