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Give thanks to God for all things who predestined us to be children by Jesus Christ and has placed Christ in our hearts


  • We can know the hope of His calling: He raised Jesus from the dead and set Him on His right hand


  • The church is Jesus’ body


  • While we were dead in sin, by God’s mercy, and through His grace, He brought us to life and set us in heavenly places with Christ Jesus through faith and not our works


  • Christ can dwell in our hearts by faith being rooted and grounded in love: we might be filled with all the fullness of God


  • We should have complete unity: there is one God and Father of all who gave different leadership positions to perfect His people for the work of the ministry to build up the body of Christ


  • Put away evil desires and forgive one another just like God forgave us for Christ’s sake


  • Jesus loves His “Bride,” the Church, and we shall love and respect Him and the human marriage


  • Our war is with evil...not people


  • Put on the whole armor of God: grace be with those who love our Lord Jesus Christ






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